Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Bath Bomb Wednesday - Vanilla Trifle

I was so excited by this bomb, it was creamy and sweet and smelled like it would be heaven, I watnt to say it was but I was left a little disappointed, I dropped in some 5 gold rings from Lush to give the bath some glitter and bubbles but when I dropped the bomb in I got very little
The red and sprinkles disappeared and I never saw anything from them again and the bomb lost all it's scent when I dropped it in, it left my skin soft and smooth and the oils in this were lovely but there was no scent on my skin so this isn't one i'll repurchase, these come ready wrapped and have a long sell by but I've not had it long and hadn't damaged the packaging so i'm guessing it's just a scent that doesn't last once the bomb has dissolved.

TJ x

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