Friday, 10 May 2019

Summer buys and where you should be shopping

This year i've cleared out my wardrobe, i've sold shoes i didn't wear, i've given to clothes banks and cut right back on my spending but now summer is here and every brand i love has released new styles heres a little low down on where to shop.

Where possible i always try to keep it local and small businesses really need our help right now so unless it's an exclusive i'll hunt for who's selling it and of course wait for a sale, that doesn't always work because if they are big sellers they could sell out in my size but thankfully i don't 'need' anything so if it's still there in a sale great and if not i'm glad they sold at full price for the shops <3

I'll be trying to blog about 2 stores at a time so you can get some good snooping going and this time it's Rockamilly and Vendemia, both stock clothes and the former stocks ICs so keep an eye on these guys if your looking to update your summer wardrobe.

First off we have Rockamilly, the name gives away what kind of style they stock, from bags and brooches to shoes and dresses they really do have it all covered.
They have a good range of products and seem to hold good stock levels, they currently have a steady sale on and i imagine like most other small stores they hold various sales and events throughout the year, they also stock erstwilder and vendula which means they are a good place to follow on facebook and other social media platforms if you're ever in search of something cute and quirky. They offer klarna payments which i think is a get now pay later sort of scheme so if there is something you love but don't have full funds straight away then make use of this option.  They hold a wide range of Irregular Choice, hell bunny and more in sizes 8-22 so something for everyone including Vegan friendly.

Next up is Vendemia, a smaller but jam packed with goodies almost boutique looking store, these guys have every style of dress you can think of, they will measure, make suggestions, send photos, post out, it's like a tailor made personal shopper but online if you aren't local <3 the staff were super helpful when i was hunting a unicorn dress. They don't have an online platform away from facebook but they will answer questions and stock check online and over the phone, again one to watch for sales and new stock arrivals because they do seem to stock everything for a summer wardrobe.

Vendemia will have an ecommerce site open in the next few days.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling

I hope you get some gorgeous items from those i've suggested, i'll be back soon with two more small businesses to add to your watch list <3

TJ x

Come and Follow me on Facebook 'mylittlereviewblog' Twitter @TJReviews89 Instagram @tiffanycallan

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