Saturday 8 March 2014

Fetzer wine @ Tesco

I was sent a bottle of white and a bottle of red wine in return for an honest review on both - 

First i tried the Fetzer Quartz white blend 2011 vintage

I noticed a spicy note when i first opened the bottle, then the fruity tones that stopped it smelling as dry as other wines do which made my mouth water.
This carried on to the taste, i tasted the spice and a 'zing' before the fruit but then then my mouth watered all over again.
The wine warmed quickly both in my glass and in my mouth, i'd suggest a good chill before tasting as i'd had mine in the room whilst i cooked dinner.
It went great with the fish i'd cooked and i think it would be perfect with a grilled chicken salad on a hot day.
It didn't leave my throat dry and i didn't get a burn i've had with other whites, it left a lovely after taste of grapes on my tongue and was much smoother than i thought it might of been. It was enjoyed with a friend and we'd both purchase it for future dinner nights.


Fetzer Crimson
I am not a fan of red wine, I've tried a few over the years and always chosen rose or white over them but this one had a real strong cherry flavour that drew me in, normally i'll give reds a miss but armed with some good conversation this bottle was perfect company for the night between me and a friend.

I chose to let the wine sit whilst we eat but it was a real treat afterwards.

The cherry flavor really hits you when you first taste it, you can smell it as soon as you lift the glass, a strong, quite heavy port flavor rests on your tongue and an almost plum after taste lingers until your next sip, I was a little disappointed that i didn't taste the vanilla mentioned but overall it was a nice red. I wouldn't say this made me a red lover but it certainly made me look forward to trying red wines in the future.


TJ x

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